1. (30) What is the internal horn clause representation of the following 5 grammar rules.
( (s) --> (np)(verb)(prep_phrase)) ( (prep_phrase) --> (prep) (np)) ((prep) --> (:word to)) ((proper_name) --> (:word UCI)) ((verb) --> (:word went))
If you can't figure it out, you can do something like this 5 times;
(convert-rule '( (s) --> (np)(verb)(prep_phrase))).
2. (40) Modify the simple grammar *dcg-rules* so that the following goals succeeds.
(prove-and-ask '((s (I went to UCI) ())))
(prove-and-ask '((s (I ate an apple at UCI) ())))
Hint 1. Use the above 5 grammar rules
Hint 2. "I" is a pronoun. Pronouns are noun phrases (np).
Hint 3. Some other rules are also needed.
You will type something like this
(load "unify") (load "fast-traced-prove") (load "dcg") (load "dcg-rules") ;;modify *dcg-rules* (store-clauses (convert-rules *dcg-rules*)) (prove-and-ask '((s (I went to UCLA) ())))
3. (10) Find all the solutions to (prove-and-ask '((s (?A ?B ?C ?D ?E) ())))
4. (20) Think of 4 other ways of saying "Please add ADDRESS to your mailing list", 4 other ways of saying "Please delete ADDRESS from ML-LIST" and 4 other ways of saying "Please change ADDRESS to ADDRESS" where ADDRESS could be something like "me" or "pazzani @ ics.uci.edu" (Three words). Create a grammar in DCG format to recognize these three different types of requests and test it on the 3 sentences above and the 12 you make up. Your sentences should show some variety (e.g., "Subscribe me to ML-LIST", "Remove me from your mailing list" "Please send mail to pazzani@ics.uci instead of pazzani@cs.ucla.edu" etc.) Page 401 of Rich and Knight has a similar example IN A DIFFERENT FORMAT.
Hint ((adresss) --> (:word ?name) (:word @) (:word ?domain)) will recognize anything of the form "NAME @ DOMAIN" We will assume that a space is inserted before and after the @ to make this easier.
EXTRA CREDIT Write a DCG grammar to parse infix arithmetic expressions and construct a lisp representation of the expressions. This will be somewhat similar to
For example, given (x ^ 3 + 5 * x ^ 2 + 3 * x + -7) the following structure should be built:
(+ (^ x 3) (+ (* 5 (^ x 2)) (+ (* 3 x) -7)))Watch out for precedence and left recursion. In addition, to include parentheses in your input, you can use |(| and |)| to treat parentheses as a symbol rather than the start or end of a list. Interface this to the derivative horn clauses, so you can take the derivative of something in infix. Also, you should be able to use the grammar rules to convert a lisp representation of a derivative back into an infix list.
Michael Pazzani