A workshop at Ubicomp 2010

September 26, 2010 Copenhagen, Denmark

Organizers: Irina Shklovski, Silvia Lindtner, Janet Vertesi, Paul Dourish

This workshop will bring together an interdisciplinary group of scholars to explore the role of ubiquitous computing, the use of information and communication technologies and the politics of technological design in transnational practices. The ultimate goal of this workshop is to investigate the implications for the design and development of ubiquitous technologies in non-western contexts. We will consider the implications for conducting research and technology design within and across global and networked sites of technology production and use. The aim of the workshop is to gain a deeper understanding of the social, cultural and economic practices within global IT development.

We will explore the following questions:

What makes a transnational technology? What kinds of political, local and translocal, projects are at stake in the management of new technological sites?

How unified is the internet? Can we speak of many internets? What are the various stakeholders involved in designing and using these many Internets?

What is local and what is global? What is the role of mobility and circulation in constructing or moving between localities and globalities?

What methods and methodologies might we constructively use to analyze and design for such complex, hybrid, and often virtual spaces?

Key Dates

Deadline for Submissions: June 15, 2010 (original)

Submission deadline is extended to: June 30, 2010

Notification of Acceptance: June 30, 2010 (original)

Final Manuscript due: August 1, 2010


submit to: transnationaltimes@gmail.com

Workshop date: September 26, 2010