Summer 2021 — UC Irvine — Information & Computer Science — ICS 139W — David G. Kay
Master Schedule for ICS 139W
This list will contain all the assignments and other events for the whole term. Check back here often to see that you're still on track.
As you know, a five-week summer session class carries the same units and grade points and satisfies all the same requirements as the same class that runs over 10 weeks. That means that everything happens at twice the speed and something is due nearly every day. ICS 139W has been taught very successfully in a five-week session for many years; there was even an online version years before everything had to go on line. Everybody can do what has to be done; just keep an eye on this space.
- Week 1
- Monday 21 June
- Tuesday 22 June
- Wednesday 23 June
- Thursday 24 June
- Friday 25 June
- DUE: Writing Sample assignment, 8:00 PM
- Week 2
- Monday 28 June
- Tuesday 29 June
- Read Influencing Policy assignment
- DUE: ChSys. Stage I: Informal document describing your choice of system and what to change, posted in your discussion board, 5:00 PM
- Wednesday 30 June
- DUE: Personal Introduction comments on discussion group members' videos, 12:00 noon.
- Read Résumé and Cover Letter assignment
- Thursday 1 July
- DUE: ChSys. Stage I: Comments on discussion group members' choice of system and what to change, 5:00 PM
- Friday 2 July
- Read TA's comments on your choice of system and what to change
- Week 3
- Monday 5 July
- DUE: Ch.Sys. Stage II: Novice intro draft to Canvas, 12:00 noon.
- Tuesday 6 July
DUE: Influencing Policy draft outline and letter to Canvas, 5:00 PM.
- Wednesday 7 July
- DUE: Ch.Sys. Stage II: Novice intro draft peer review comments to Canvas, 12:00 noon.
- Thursday 8 July
DUE: Influencing Policy outline and letter peer review comments to Canvas, 5:00 PM.
- Friday 9 July
- DUE: Ch.Sys. Stage II: Novice intro, revised final version to Canvas, 12:00 noon.
DUE: Résumé and Cover Letter draft to Canvas, 5:00 PM.
- Week 4
- Monday 12 July
- DUE: Ch.Sys. Stage III: Proposal draft
and Stage IV: Presentation slides, to Canvas, 12:00 noon
- DUE: Résumé and Cover Letter peer review comments to Canvas, 5:00 PM.
- Tuesday 13 July
DUE: Influencing Policy outline and letter revised draft to Canvas, 5:00 PM.
- Wednesday 14 July
- DUE: Ch.Sys. Stage III: Proposal draft and Stage IV: Presentation slides draft, peer review comments to Canvas, 12:00 noon
- Thursday 15 July
- DUE: Résumé and Cover Letter final version to Canvas, 5:00 PM.
- Friday 16 July
- DUE: Ch.Sys. Stage III: Proposal draft and Stage IV: Presentation slides draft, revised version to Canvas, 12:00 noon
- Week 5
- Monday 19 July
- Tuesday 20 July
DUE: Influencing Policy outline and letter final version to Canvas, 5:00 PM.
- Wednesday 21 July
- DUE: Ch.Sys. Stage III: Proposal final version, to Canvas, 12:00 noon
- Thursday 22 July
- DUE: Ch.Sys. Stage IV: Video Presentation with slides, final version, to Canvas, 12:00 noon
- Friday 23 July
- Week 6
- Monday 27 July
- Tuesday 28 July