Home Page for Professor Jessica Utts
University of California,

Contact Information
Professor Emerita Jessica Utts
Department of Statistics
Donald Bren Hall
University of California
Irvine, CA 92697-1250
Email (not clickable to reduce spam): 
Department office: 2042 Donald Bren Hall, UC Irvine
Major Administrative and Service Roles (Current and Recent Past, with links)
- 2016 President,
American Statistical Association
- Chair, Department of Statistics, University of California, Irvine, 2011-2016
- Chief Reader, Advanced Placement Statistics Exam, 2014-2018
- Vice President, International Association for Statistical Education, 2011-2013
- Member, Board of Directors,
American Statistical Association, 2010-2012
- Chair, Committee of Presidents of
Statistical Societies (COPSS), Jan 2007 - Dec 2009
- Chair of the Board, Consortium for the
Advancement of Undergraduate Statistics Education (CAUSE)
- Vice-Chair of the Board, National Institute of Statistical Sciences (NISS), 2008-2011
Representative Presentations
- Enhancing Data Science Ethics through Statistical Education and Practice (slides) and Video
- YouTube Video: ASA Presidential address, "Appreciating Statistics" (begins with Introduction by David Morgenstein)
- YouTube Video: "Talking Points" TV Interview, Cal State Long Beach, on Remote Viewing and Statistics
- How basic statistical literacy can save you money, and maybe even save your life, Math Across the Cannon Lecture, Carlteon and St. Olaf Colleges, April 24, 2018
- Understanding P-Values (joint with Ron Wasserstein), St. Olaf College, April 24, 2018
- AP Annual Conference 2017: Results and Teaching Tips from the 2017 AP Statistics Exam and
Compact version with 6 slides per page
- Show Me the Data... About Careers in Statistics US Conference on Teaching Statistics, May 2017
- AP Annual Conference 2016: Results and Teaching Tips from the 2016 AP Statistics Exam and
Compact version with 4 slides per page
- Communicating the Value of Statistics; Keynote address at the 2016 ASA Conference on Statistical Practice
- AP Annual Conference 2015: Results and Teaching Tips from the 2015 AP Statistics Exam and
Compact version with 4 slides per page
- AP Annual Conference 2014: Results and Teaching Tips from the 2014 AP Statistics Exam
- The Importance of Statistics Education, Santiago, Chile, January 2013 and Round Table Talk
- Statistics Workshop, 56th Annual Conference of the Parapsychological Association, Viterbo, Italy, August 2013
- AP Statistics Professional Night Talk: What Do Future Senators, Scientists, Social Workers and Sales Clerks Need to Learn from Your Statistics Class?
(pdf version)
- From Seances to Science: Investigating Psychic Phenomena with Statistics and pdf version
- California State University, Fullerton, October 6, 2011: Are we all Bayesians? The strength of evidence vs the power of belief
- California Mathematics Council, Community Colleges (CMC3),
December 13, 2008,
Monterey, CA
- Analysis of Milton Wiseman Meta-analysis, July 15, 2007,
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
- WNAR New Researchers' Lunch, June 26, 2007,
Irvine, CA
- Japanese Behaviormetrics
Society, September 12, 2006, Tokyo, Japan
- Japan
Joint Statistics Meeting, September 7, 2006, Sendai, Japan
- Stor Konferens om Parapsykologisk Forskning, Stockholm, Sweden, August 3, 2006
Workshop/AMATYC, Nov 8&9, 2005
Dec 2, 2005
Classes at UC Irvine
Classes at UC Davis
My Curriculum Vitae
Where I Received my
Places I Have Had
Visiting Appointments
My Research Interests
I am interested in applied statistics, and have published
most extensively on the use of statistics in parapsychology.
I am also interested in statistics education and literacy.
I have provided some of the most commonly requested papers here.
In the Fall of 1995 Professor Ray Hyman (University of Oregon)and I prepared a report
assessing the statistical evidence for psychic functioning in US government sponsored research.
The report was part of a review done by the American Institutes of Research
(AIR) at the request of Congress and the CIA. It received wide-spread media coverage.
My report and related reports:
"Replication and Meta-Analysis in Parapsychology."
(Statistical Science, with commentary by others) - summarizes some of
the statistical evidence for psi phenomena that was available at the time the
paper was written (1991).
Jessica (1999). The Significance of Statistics in Mind-Matter Research, Journal
of Scientific Exploration, 13(4), 615-638.
"The Paranormal:
the Evidence and its Implications for Consciousness" published
in the [London]
Times Higher Education Supplement, Apr. 5th. 1996, page (v), with Nobel
Laureate Brian Josephson
Jessica (2003). What Educated Citizens Should Know about Statistics and
Probability, American Statistician, 57(2), 74-79.
My Books
Through Statistics, 4th edition (2015), ISBN 9781285050881
On Statistics, 6th edition (2022) by Jessica Utts and Robert Heckard,
ISBN-13: 9781285463186
Ideas and Methods, 1st edition (2006) by Jessica Utts and Robert Heckard, ISBN 0-049-512250-5
Last updated July 2016 (with some links updated in the more distant past)