10th International Workshop on 
Software Specification and Design (IWSSD-10)

Shelter Pointe Hotel and Marina
Shelter Island, San Diego, California
November 5-7, 2000

Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society

To be held in conjunction with
8th International Symposium on the
Foundations of Software Engineering (FSE-8 / ACM SIGSoft 2000)

Registration Now Available
Please NOTE: Participation is by invitation only.

This is the tenth forum in the very successful series of International Workshops on Software Specification and Design, which offers an opportunity for researchers working on requirements specification, design and software architecture methods, concurrent, distributed and real-time systems, and formal models to meet together in an informal yet focused setting.

After ten years, the software engineering community is entering a new era in software development. New software technologies and infrastructures have greatly changed the way we produce software; this evolution will continue in the near and distant future.

The accepted papers address a number of challenging issues in software development, which led to organizing the workshop around the following three tracks:

Reactive and Real-Time Systems
Requirements, specification and analysis of reactive, real time systems, from requirements to architectures and specifications to analysis.

Quantitative and Non-Functional Qualities
Quantitative requirements and non-functional characterizations of application context, from requirements to architectures to specifications, including analysis and simulation.

[In]completeness, [In]consistency and [Sufficient] Correctness
Management of incompleteness,  consistency versus inconsistency, sufficient correctness versus correctness, from requirements to specification to architecture and process.

The workshop program is arranged with plenary sessions with invited speakers, parallel working groups for each of the three tracks, and plenary sessions to report on progress made within each group:

Sunday , November 5
      12-2       working group facilitator lunch
        3-5       plenary session
        6-8       reception
Monday , November 6
        9-12     working groups
       12-2      lunch
        2-3       working groups
        3:30-6  plenary
Tuesday , November 7
        9-12     working groups
       12-2      lunch
        2-5ish  plenary

More details will be forthcoming.

Registration Now Available.

General Chair

Program Co-Chairs

Steve Fickas
Department of Computer Science
University of Oregon, Eugene
email:  fickas@cs.uoregon.edu
Paola Inverardi
Dipartimento di Matematica Pura ed Applicata
Università dellíAquila, Italy
email:  inverard@univaq.it
Debra Richardson
Department of Information and Computer Science
University of California, Irvine
email:  djr@ics.uci.edu

Important Dates

Abstract submission deadline:  1 May 2000
Paper submission deadline:  3 May 2000
Acceptance notification:  15 June 2000
Camera-ready copy due:  15 July 2000
Advance registration:  1 October 2000

Further Information 

Program Committee

Ugo Buy, USA
Elisabetta Di Nitto, Italy
Matthew Dwyer, USA
Steve Easterbrook, Canada
Martin Feather, USA
Jose Fiadeiro, Portugal
Anthony Finkelstein, UK
Mats Heimdahl, USA
Connie Heitmeyer, USA
Daniel Jackson, USA
Jeff Magee, UK
Motoshi Saeki, Japan
Wilhelm Schaefer, Germany
Dave Wile, USA 
Dany Yankelevich, Argentina

Sponsored by


This page is maintained by Debra J. Richardson

Information and Computer Science
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697-3425

last updated: 7 February 2000