UC Irvine, Information and Computer Science Department

ICS 54 Winter 2000: Homework 2

Form teams of 2 to 4 people and help each other learn to do all of the things outlined below.

By 1 p.m., Wednesday, January 26, all members of your team should be able to do all the things outlined below. Your team will check them off in CS 364 at an appointment it makes with the TA for a time later that week (January 26-28). You will make that appointment during discussion section 1-1:50 p.m., Tuesday, January 25.

The TA will be available in CS 364 at the following times:

Basic C Shell Manipulation
Be able to do the following: login and logout of your shell, enter single or multiple commands on a single line, use wildcard characters in your command, redo the previous command, display and change your working directory, find out if there are other people working on the system.

Basic Process Manipulation
Be able to do the following: execute a job in the foreground or background, move foreground job to background, move background job to foreground, list current jobs, kill or stop jobs, check current processes on the system.

File and Directory Manipulation
Be able to do the following: control access to your files, set default permission for newly created files and directories, copy files and directories, rename files and directories, link files, link directories, create files and directories, define files with wildcard characters, delete files and directories, determine file type, display files and directories, find a file, list files, move files, search for files, view files with cat, more and less, display part of the files with head and tail.

C Shell Variables
Be able to demonstrate and to explain the use of the following C shell variables and environment variables: filec, history, ignoreeof, noglob, path, prompt, and TERM.

C Shell Aliases
Be able to define aliases for use in the current login session and for use every time you login. Be able to deactivate an alias definition for the rest of your login session or for only one use.

Shell Redirection
Be able to demonstrate and to explain the use of the following C shell file redirection symbols:
>   >>   |   >!   >&

Using vi
Be able to use vi to create and edit files, including the following basic operations: starting vi and opening files, saving files and exiting vi, exiting vi without saving changes you have made, viewing a file, entering text, cutting and pasting text, moving around the text, moving around the screen, deleting text, searching for text, replacing text, customizing vi.

Comments are welcome.
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