UC Irvine, Information and Computer Science Department Winter 2000

ICS 54: Brief Notes on Chapter 7: Working with Files and Directories

Handling files and directories

Protecting Files: Access control

Simplified version

File Permissions

% ls -liga
total 28
611243 drwxr-x---  5 unixguru fish       512 Apr 1 12:41 .
 80715 drwxr-r-x   4 unixguru fish       512 Apr 1 12:27 ..
611302 -r--------  1 unixguru fish      1674 Apr 1 12:31 400
611297 -rw-------  1 unixguru frogs     2034 Apr 1 12:31 600
611290 -rw-r-----  1 unixguru fish       970 Apr 1 12:28 640
611273 -rw-r--r--  2 unixguru fish      2604 Apr 1 12:28 644
611273 -rw-r--r--  2 unixguru fish      2604 Apr 1 12:28 644L
611292 -rwxr-x--x  1 unixguru swimmers  6267 Apr 1 12:29 751
625316 drwx------  3 unixguru swimmers   512 Apr 1 12:37 d700
634698 drwxr-x---  2 unixguru frogs      512 Apr 1 12:39 d750
620629 drwxr-x--x  4 unixguru frogs      512 Apr 1 12:35 d751

Exploring Files

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Current as of 11 January 2000
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