Hojjat Jafarpour, Bijit Hore, Sharad Mehrotra and Nalini Venkatasubramanian."CCD: Efficient Customized Content Dissemination in Distributed Publish/Subscribe", ACM/IFIP/USENIX Middleware 2009, Urbana-Champaign, IL,USA, November 2009.
Hojjat Jafarpour, Sharad Mehrotra, Nalini Venkatasubramanian and Mirko Montanari, "MICS: An Efficient Content Space Representation Model for Publish/Subscribe Systems", ACM International Conference on Distributed Event-Based Systems (DEBS) 2009, Nashville, TN, USA, July 2009.
Hojjat Jafarpour, Sharad Mehrotra and Nalini Venkatasubramanian."Dynamic Load Balancing for Cluster-based Publish/Subscribe System", IEEE International Symposium on Applications and the Internet (SAINT) 2009, Seattle, WA, USA, July 2009.
Hojjat Jafarpour, Bijit Hore, Sharad Mehrotra and Nalini Venkatasubramanian. "Subscription Subsumption Evaluation for Content-based Publish/Subscribe Systems", ACM/IFIP/USENIX Middleware 2008, Leuven, Belgium, December 2008.
Hojjat Jafarpour, Sharad Mehrotra and Nalini Venkatasubramanian. "A Fast and Robust Content-based Publish/Subscribe Architecture", IEEE International Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA) 2008, Boston, MA, USA, July 2008.
Hore,Bijit; Jafarpour,Hojjat; Jain,Ramesh; Ji,Shengyue; Massaguer,Daniel; Mehrotra,Sharad; Venkatasubramanian,Nalini; Westermann,Utz. "Design and Implementation of a Middleware for Sentient Spaces", IEEE Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI) 2007, New Brunswick, NJ, USA, May 2007.
Shruti Gorappa, Juan Colmenares, Hojjat Jafarpour and Raymond Klefstad. "Tool-based Configuration of Real-Time CORBA Middleware for Embedded Systems", 8th IEEE International Symposium on Object-oriented Real-time distributed Computing (ISORC 2005), Seattle, WA, USA. May, 2005.
Hojjat Jafarpour, Nasser Yazdani, and Navid Bazazzadeh. "Improving Sama Group Communication Mechanism for Mobile Agents via a Hop-Ring Protocol", International Conference on Internet Computing (ICOMP 2005), Las Vegas, USA, June, 2005.
Hojjat Jafarpour and Nasser Yazdani, "Provision of Recovery from Host Failure for Sama Group Communication Middleware for Mobile Agents". In Proc. of 2nd ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering Research, Management and Applications (SERA2004). Los Angeles, USA, May 2004, pp: 242-247.
Hojjat Jafarpour and Nasser Yazdani, "Sama: A Scalable Group Communication Mechanism for Mobile Agents". In Proc. of 4th ACIS Int. Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD2003), Lubeck, Germany, October, 2003, pp: 504-511.
Saeed Parsa and Hojjat Jafarpour, "Designing and Implementing Applications for the Internet", In Proceedings of the International Electronic and Internet Cities Conference, Kish Island, Iran, May, 2001.(In Persian)
Hojjat Jafarpour, " Dependency Graph for Java Programs and Its Applications", In 4th Student Conference of Computer Engineering, Iran Univ. of Science & Tech. Tehran, Iran, July 2001.