ICS 280: Computer Graphics

( A Graduate Course on Introduction to Computer Graphics)

Gopi Meenakshisundaram
430D Computer Science Building
(949) 824 9498

Time: TTh 2pm-3:20pm.
Place: Physical Sciences Classroom Building Rm.230.

Course Motivation: There is an increased interest in the UCI graduate students community towards graphics and visualization. This course is an effort to provide an entry into this field to the interested graduate students and in turn provide a strong foundation for an effective graphics research/intellectual pool in the department and university. This course will also be designed to provide a jump-start to more advanced graduate computer graphics courses now offered in the department and university, eventually leading to research in these areas. Students working in other areas of computer science and engineering might also be interested in taking this course to satisfy their breadth requirements and to learn about fundamentals of graphics useful for visualization in their respective fields.

Course Objective: At the end of the course, the students are expected to know OpenGL (Open Graphics Library) programming, graphics pipeline and related mathematics, introduction to graphics hardware, various graphics techniques like texture mapping, bump mapping, mip mapping, etc., introduction to certain advanced topics like hierarchical spatial subdivision, collision detection, culling techniques, image based rendering, etc.

Pre-requisites: Should be a graduate student. Should have background and/or be interested in ironing out mathematical details and solving basic problems using geometry and trignometry. Should know and be interested in C++ programming. Knowledge of OpenGL is not assumed though students will be expected to learn OpenGL themselves through programming assignments of this course.

1. Computer Graphics, Principles and Practice. Second Edition in C.
Foley, van Dam, Feiner, Hughes. Addison Wesley, 1997 (Reprinted with corrections).
2. 3D Computer Graphics, Third Edition,
Alan Watt. Addison Wesley, December 1999.
3. OpenGL Programming Guide, Third Edition (OpenGL 1.2).
Mason Woo, Jackie Neider, Tom Davis, Dave Shreiner. Addison Wesley, 1999.
4. Class notes, hand-outs, and research papers.