DATE DAY TOPIC Assign. Handed out DUE
1-Oct T Introduction: Overview of Graphics Prog 1: Ply reader, render
3-Oct Th Gr. Pipeline, Tri. Repr.,Transformations model using OGL
8-Oct T Transform.:Trans., Rotate, Scale, Shear Prog 2: Interact w/ the Prog 1
10-Oct Th Local/Global Coord. sys.,Perspective Proj model and compute normal
15-Oct T Projection: Perspective (Rd: Ortho. Proj) Prog 3: myGL library and Prog 2
17-Oct Th Lighting (Rd: Line/Poly drawing/clipping) subdivision surfaces
22-Oct T Interpolation, subdivision, texture mapping Prog 4: OGL lighting and Prog 3
24-Oct Th Graphics Hardware texture mapping
29-Oct T Review Written Assignment 1 Prog 4
31-Oct Th Mid Term Exam
5-Nov T Buffers: Z, A, Tex, etc; R/W these buffers. Prog 5: Transparency and Writ 1
7-Nov Th Bump map, Blue Mattg, Env. Map bump mapping
12-Nov T Hierarchical Modeling Prog 6: Simple robot joint  Prog 5
14-Nov Th Culling: BF, VF, vis; Spatial Hierarchy motion visualization
19-Nov T Aliasing, filters, dithering. Prog 6
21-Nov Th Color Theory Proj. Proposals
22-Nov F *Individual Meeting: Project Discussion*    
26-Nov T Euler charac., genus, dim. of the obj.
28-Nov Th Thanksgiving Holiday Mid-project submission 1
3-Dec T Ray Tracing, IBR
5-Dec Th Review Mid-project submission 2
12-Dec Th Final Project Demo 1:30 pm - 3:30pm    