ICS 186A: Computer Graphics

Winter 2003


Class Timing: MWF 9:00-9:50am,

Classroom: SE2 1304

Class Web Page: http://www.ics.uci.edu/~gopi/ICS186AW03


Instructor: Gopi Meenakshisundaram

Email: gopi@ics.uci.edu

Office: ICS 430D

Phone: 4-9498


Teaching Assistant: Kartic Sankar Subr

Email: kartic@ics.uci.edu

Tutoring Section: Fr 11-11:50pm

Classroom: HIB 110



  1. There will be seven programming assignments, one final programming project and one or two written assignments (Due every Friday at or before 5pm).
  2. There will be one mid term exam (Feb 7, 2003, 9:00-9:50am) and one final exam (March 19, 2003, 8-10am).
  3. Final score will be calculated as follows: Programming Assignments 1 and 2, and written assignments (if any): 7%, Programming Assignments (3-7): 30%, Final project 13%, Mid-term Exam: 20%, Final Exam 30%.
  4. Solutions to written assignments (if any) should be neatly typed. No hand-written assignments will be accepted.
  5. Assignments should be submitted at or before the due date and time. Any later than that time would be considered as late submission.
  6. Assignments submitted before 7 days, between 7 and 14 days, after 14 days from the due date will be deducted 25%, 50%, and 75% respectively of the points got by the student in those assignments.
  7. This course follows ÒHonor SystemÓ, where student would not give or take help in their assignments and exams, and is enforced by the students themselves, rather than the instructor. Any student found giving or taking help in assignments or exams would be failed in the course.
  8. Written assignments can be discussed among students, but should be written individually in your own words.
  9. Instructor reserves the right to modify, delete or add any rule related to this course, including the ones given above.
  10. InstructorÕs decision and interpretation of the rules are final.