Michael Goodrich's Erdős Number.
A person's
is the degrees of separation from that
person to the famous mathematician Paul Erdős
through research publications. That is, the
distance, in number of collaborations, from that person to Erdős.
In fact, we can define a
collaboration graph, where we create a
vertex for each person and link two people with an edge if they have
collaborated on a published research paper.
Michael Goodrich's Erdős number is 3, which is realized in the
following (disjoint) ways in the collaboration graph:
- Erdős->Avis->Snoeyink->Goodrich
- Erdős->Pach->Bronnimann->Goodrich
- Erdős->Pollack->Agarwal->Goodrich
- Erdős->Alon->Vishkin->Goodrich
- Erdős->Aronov->Kosaraju->Goodrich
- Erdős->Wagstaff->Atallah->Goodrich
- Erdős->Silverman->Mount->Goodrich
- Erdős->Fraenkel->Scheinerman->Goodrich
- Erdős->Odlyzko->Guibas->Goodrich
- Erdős->Yao->Eppstein->Goodrich
- Erdős->Fishburn->Tanenbaum->Goodrich
- Erdős->Graham->Varghese->Goodrich
For example, Goodrich coauthored a paper with Jack Snoeyink, who
coauthored a paper with David Avis, who coauthored a paper with Paul
Michael T. Goodrich
Department of Computer Science
Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92697-3435 USA