Corner sculpture
The main on top with the sword is St. George, the patron saint of Catalonia
(and some other places). You can also see his red-and-white cross next to
the red-and-gold bars of Catalona on the top of the dome, and in the
stained-glass windows inside the concert hall.
Taken Thursday, September 13, 2001, 01:45:55pm. Original image size: 1200x1600, 966kb
Technical details: Olympus C700UZ, 1/125s @ F7.0, ISO 100, 104mm
PS6 Curves 0:0 - 15:45 - 40:85 - 225:215 - 245:235, USM 20:100 - 20:20 - 30:4 - 100:0.5, Saturate +15