Cryptogram Helper Source Code
- User interface and main solver loop.
- 26x26 probability matrix of letter translation likelihoods,
and solver code for computing new matrix from word probabilities.
- Word frequency list lookup, code for parsing phrases into words,
and computation of letter repetition patterns within words.
- freqc.txt.gz
- English word frequency dictionary (provided for reference only;
the actual applet doesn't use this file).
- trie.gz
- List of dictionary words, compressed by running
trieize.c on words.txt and
gzipping the output.
- freq.gz
- List of word frequencies, compressed by running
freq.c on words.txt and
gzipping the output.
- puzzles.txt.gz
- Plaintext list of lines for "Import Random Cryptogram" button.
Pressing the button chooses one line and picks a random cryptogram
(with no letter translated to itself).