
A library for creating html documentation for R scripts to encourage literate programming. The project essentially leverages the docco project to be used for R scripts. Code highlighting is performed by the google-code-prettify.
To run rocco you will need to specify the path to:
  • docco.css:
  • google-code-pretty: download at
This is not meant as a replacement to a more full featured documentation system such a roxygen nor a literate programming solution like Sweave and noweb.

how to use rocco

  • Sections: use an empty line in your code
  • Headers: begin line with double pound symbols
  • Comments: begin line with a single pound symbol
  • Lists: begin line with pound symbol then dash
  • Variables: denoted by left apostrophe [under construction]
Note: Within a section, html is created for all headers, then all comments, then all list items.
We run rocco on its own source code as an example in test.rocco.R. Example output can be found at test.rocco.html.

Beginning of rocco.R source code:

Load in file
rocco <- function(input.file,output.file=paste(input.file,'.html',sep=''),
        ".",browse=FALSE) {
  lines <- readLines(input.file) 
Split the file into sections
  sections <- list()
  emptylines <- which(lines %in% c(""," ","  ","    "))
  start <- 1
  for (i in 1:length(emptylines)) {
    end <- emptylines[i] - 1
    sections[[i]] <- lines[start:end]
    start <- emptylines[i] + 1
Create function for text lines and properties
  processed <- list()
  for (k in 1:length(sections)) {
    section <- sections[[k]]#lapply(sections[1:8],function(section) { 
Decide what each line is: header, comment or list item
    linetypes <- sapply(section,function(s)
                        switch(substr(s,1,2),"##"="header","# "="comment","#-"="list","code")
    names(linetypes) <- c() 
Strip prefix depending on line type
    content <- c()
    for (i in 1:length(section)) {
      content[i] <- switch(linetypes[i],
                           "header" = substring(section[i],4),
                           "comment" = substring(section[i],3),
                           "list" = substring(section[i],3),
                           "code" = section[i],
Combine adjacent comments (and code?)
    combined <- list()
    j <- 1
    combined[[j]] <- list(content=content[1],type=linetypes[1])
    if (length(section)>1) {
      for (i in 2:length(section)) {
        if (linetypes[i] == "comment" & linetypes[i-1] == "comment") {
          combined[[j]]$content <- paste(combined[[j]]$content,content[i])
        } else {
          j <- j + 1
          combined[[j]] <- list(content=content[i],type=linetypes[i])
    processed[[k]] <- combined
Load html template snippets
For each section
  body <- ""
  for (i in 1:length(processed)) {
    section <- processed[[i]] 
Print out all headers and comments
    doc <- ''
    for (j in 1:length(section)) {
      if (section[[j]]$type=="header") {
        doc <- paste(doc,html$h2.s,section[[j]]$content,html$h2.e,sep='')
      if (section[[j]]$type=="comment") {
        doc <- paste(doc,section[[j]]$content,collapse=html$p)
Collect all list items in section
    if (any(sapply(section,function(x) (x$type=="list")))) {
        doc <- paste(doc,html$ul.s)
        for (j in 1:length(section)) {
          if (section[[j]]$type=="list") {
            doc <- paste(doc,html$li,section[[j]]$content,sep='')
        doc <- paste(doc,html$ul.e)
Collect all code in section
    code <- ''
    code <- paste(code,html$pre.s)
    for (j in 1:length(section)) {
      if (section[[j]]$type=="code") {
        code <- paste(code,section[[j]]$content,sep='\n')
    code <- paste(code,html$pre.e) 
Collect html code, documention, code into a section and append to body
    body <- paste(body,html$sec.1(i),doc,html$sec.2,code,html$sec.3,sep="")
Create a single string and write to a file
  out <- paste(html$header(,,
Optionally open a browser to view the produced html file
  if (browse)
    browseURL(paste("file://", getwd(),"/",output.file, sep = ""))