rocco A library for creating html documentation for R scripts to encourage literate programming. The project essentially leverages the docco project to be used for R scripts. Code highlighting is performed by the google-code-prettify. |
To run rocco you will need to specify the path to: - docco.css:
- google-code-pretty: download at
This is not meant as a replacement to a more full featured documentation system such a roxygen nor a literate programming solution like Sweave and noweb. |
how to use rocco - Sections: use an empty line in your code
- Headers: begin line with double pound symbols
- Comments: begin line with a single pound symbol
- Lists: begin line with pound symbol then dash
- Variables: denoted by left apostrophe [under construction]
Note: Within a section, html is created for all headers, then all comments, then all list items. |
We run rocco on its own source code as an example in test.rocco.R. Example output can be found at test.rocco.html. |
Beginning of rocco.R source code: Load in file |
rocco <- function(input.file,output.file=paste(input.file,'.html',sep=''),"google-code-prettify",".",browse=FALSE) {
lines <- readLines(input.file) |
Split the file into sections |
sections <- list()
emptylines <- which(lines %in% c(""," "," "," "))
start <- 1
for (i in 1:length(emptylines)) {
end <- emptylines[i] - 1
sections[[i]] <- lines[start:end]
start <- emptylines[i] + 1
} |
Create function for text lines and properties |
processed <- list()
for (k in 1:length(sections)) {
section <- sections[[k]]#lapply(sections[1:8],function(section) { |
Decide what each line is: header, comment or list item |
linetypes <- sapply(section,function(s)
switch(substr(s,1,2),"##"="header","# "="comment","#-"="list","code")
names(linetypes) <- c() |
Strip prefix depending on line type |
content <- c()
for (i in 1:length(section)) {
content[i] <- switch(linetypes[i],
"header" = substring(section[i],4),
"comment" = substring(section[i],3),
"list" = substring(section[i],3),
"code" = section[i],
} |
Combine adjacent comments (and code?) |
combined <- list()
j <- 1
combined[[j]] <- list(content=content[1],type=linetypes[1])
if (length(section)>1) {
for (i in 2:length(section)) {
if (linetypes[i] == "comment" & linetypes[i-1] == "comment") {
combined[[j]]$content <- paste(combined[[j]]$content,content[i])
} else {
j <- j + 1
combined[[j]] <- list(content=content[i],type=linetypes[i])
processed[[k]] <- combined
} |
Load html template snippets |
For each section |
body <- ""
for (i in 1:length(processed)) {
section <- processed[[i]] |
Print out all headers and comments |
doc <- ''
for (j in 1:length(section)) {
if (section[[j]]$type=="header") {
doc <- paste(doc,html$h2.s,section[[j]]$content,html$h2.e,sep='')
if (section[[j]]$type=="comment") {
doc <- paste(doc,section[[j]]$content,collapse=html$p)
} |
Collect all list items in section |
if (any(sapply(section,function(x) (x$type=="list")))) {
doc <- paste(doc,html$ul.s)
for (j in 1:length(section)) {
if (section[[j]]$type=="list") {
doc <- paste(doc,html$li,section[[j]]$content,sep='')
doc <- paste(doc,html$ul.e)
} |
Collect all code in section |
code <- ''
code <- paste(code,html$pre.s)
for (j in 1:length(section)) {
if (section[[j]]$type=="code") {
code <- paste(code,section[[j]]$content,sep='\n')
code <- paste(code,html$pre.e) |
Collect html code, documention, code into a section and append to body |
body <- paste(body,html$sec.1(i),doc,html$sec.2,code,html$sec.3,sep="")
} |
Create a single string and write to a file |
out <- paste(html$header(,,
write(out,file=output.file) |
Optionally open a browser to view the produced html file |
if (browse)
browseURL(paste("file://", getwd(),"/",output.file, sep = ""))
} |