Adaptive System Interoperability

Project sponsored by Office of Naval Research (ONR) 
as part of the DoD Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative (MURI)

The goal of the project is to develop new models of adaptive system interoperability that provide more flexible models of integration between components, and support coordination, mobility, scalability and adaptability to changing conditions.

Future applications will execute in highly dynamic environments, where communication is not uniform due to changing conditions of network connectivity, reliability and resource availability. Designing communication frameworks that are capable of dynamically adapting themselves to the environment is an important challenge. Furthermore, different applications may demand different properties and guarantees as far as the QoS, security and failure semantics are concerned. Although several frameworks have been designed to support modular and reconfigurable communication, they support complex programming interfaces and their behavior is often expressed via informal descriptions. Clear semantic models capable of expressing dependencies among properties required by a given communication system will help design safe customizable communication frameworks.

Professor (PI)



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Distributed Systems Middleware Group · School of Information and Computer Science
University of California, Irvine
CSE 205 · Irvine, CA 92697-3425 · USA
Tel 949.824.3011

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