ICS 6D - Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science - Winter, 2024 (Dillencourt)
This web site is a work in progress.
Information will be added incrementally.
There may be some broken links.
If so, these should be fixed soon.
To view the information on this page, either scroll down or
click one of these links:
Course Description and Prerequisites
- Course Description from the UCI Catalog:
- Covers essential tools from discrete mathematics used in computer science
with an emphasis on the process of abstracting computational problems and
analyzing them mathematically.
Topics include mathematical induction, combinatorics, and recurrence relations.
- Prerequisites:
- ICS 6B, Boolean algebra and logic, is officially listed as "recommended."
Here is what that will mean in practice:
- The material from ICS 6B that we will use the most is
in the first three assigned
chapters (chapters 1, 3, and 4) of the textbook.
- This material is covered in detail in ICS 6B.
- I will cover these chapters during the first week.
The review will proceed at a pace that should be fine if it is truly a review.
However, it may seem quite rushed if your knowledge of it is rusty
or if you have never seen the material before.
- If you find that you are having difficulty with this
introductory material,
I strongly recommend that you drop ICS 6D, take ICS 6B (or study the material
carefully), and then
take ICS 6D at a later time after you have studied this introductory material.
- In addition to the above, it is assumed that you know and are
comfortable with:
- High-school algebra.
- Basic arithmetic. Specifically, you should know the multiplication
table up to 12. Using pencil and paper, you should be able to accurately
perform integer multiplication by a 3-digit integer, perform long division
by a 3-digit divisor, perform arithmetic on fractions with up to a 3-digit
denominator. Calculators are not allowed on tests and exams.
Class meetings
Course staff
Class announcements
- Class announcements will be made on canvas.
The most recent ones will appear at the top of the course home page on canvas.
Please check there frequently.
Sending us email
- Section to be added soon. For now, send course related email to the
instructor as described above.
Ed Discussion question-and-answer forum
- We will be using the Ed Discussion question-and-answer forum.
Access to the Ed Discussion forum will be made available through the
class Canvas space.
- Although posters can hide their identity from other students,
the instructor and the teaching assistants are able to determine the
identity of posters.
- The forum is intended as an open and respectful forum for the exchange
of questions and answers about the class and the course material.
Inappropriate, insulting, or offensive posts will not be tolerated.
Such posts will be deleted, and
may result in the suspension or termination of access to the forum.
In extreme cases, offensive posts may be referred to other University entities
for appropriate disciplinary action.
Academic Dishonesty:
- Academic dishonesty (cheating) is a serious offense
in the eyes of the instructor, the instructional assistants,
ICS, and the university.
Incidents of academic dishonesty will usually result in your receiving
a grade of F in the course and not being allowed to drop the course.
Additional consequences may occur at the academic unit or campus level.
Examples of academic dishonesty include, but are not limited to:
- Copying from others during an examination
- Using unauthorized materials during an examination.
- Sharing answers or
allowing another student to copy off your work during an examination.
- Tampering with an examination after it has been
corrected, then returning it for more credit.
- Intentionally disrupting the educational process in any way.
- For more complete information about academic honesty policies and
procedures, consult the following resources:
Required Textbook
- We will be using the online textbook
- [I] Dscrete Mathematics,
by Sandra Irani, published by Zybooks.
- You are required to subscribe to the book if you are
enrolled in the class.
The material in the book includes interactive exercises which will count as
a small portion of your grade.
- Instructions for subscribing can be found here.
Additional resources
- A recommended supplementary text is the book Discrete Mathematics and
its Applications by Kenneth H. Rosen (any edition is fine.)
This book is not required, but you may find it useful.
It has a large number of homework exercises, with answers to all
the odd-numbered exercises.
- Based on three tests, the final exam ,
weekly homework assignments,
and assigned readings in the online textbook.
- The individual components will be weighted as follows when
computing the course grade:
- Test score (weighted average on tests and final exam): 90%.
- The test score will be computed using the following weights:
- Test 1: 22%
- Test 2: 22%
- Test 3: 22%
- Final Exam: 34%
- The "second-chance" policy described
will be applied.
- Homework assignments: 5%
- Readings in the online textbook: 5%
- Tests and Final Exam:
- There will be three tests given during the quarter, plus the
final exam.
- The three tests given during the quarter will be given on
Thursday of weeks 3, 6, and 9.
- Makeup tests will only be given in extraordinary
and documentable circumstances, and only at the discretion of
the instructor.
If the circumstances are forseeable in advance, notify me
as far in advance as posssible. Failure to do this may result
your forfeiting your opportunity to take a makeup.
- The final exam will be given during finals week, in the
time period designated by the registrar.
Click here for more information about the
tests and the final exam, including exact date/time.
- Homework:
- There will be weekly homework assignments.
- Your lowest homework assignment score will be dropped.
- A consequence of this policy is that if you do not turn in a homework
assignment and hence receive a zero on it,
that homework score will be dropped.
This means that failing to turn in one homework assignment will not
negatively impact your grade as long as you do well on all the other
homework assignments.
- For a link to the homework assignment page, scroll down or click
- Reading Assignments:
- There will be reading assignments from the online Zybook textbook.
- In each section you are assigned to read, you will need to
complete the Participation Activities.
- Generally there will be a reading assignment due one minute before
the start of each lecture.
- You will be deemed to have satisfactorily completed the reading
of a particular section if and only if the Zybook log says that
you completed all Participation Activities in the section by the
- For a link to the reading assignment page, scroll down or click
Class Notes:
- The class notes consist of the slides used in the lectures.
- Other material may be added to the class notes page over the course
of the quarter.
- Access to class notes is restricted to students enrolled in the class.
- Click here to access the class notes.
Authentication information will be announced.
Homework Assignments
- Homework assignment page:
The homework assignments and instructions for submitting the homework
are posted here.
Reading Assignments
- Reading assigment page:
The reading assignments to be completed before each lecture
are posted here.
Topics covered by lecture
For a list of topics that have been covered in each lecture,
click here.
Last modified: February 27, 2024