Data Compression


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Two more adaptive data compression methods, algorithm BSTW and Lempel-Ziv coding, are discussed in this section. Like the adaptive Huffman coding techniques, these methods do not require a first pass to analyze the characteristics of the source. Thus, they provide coding and transmission in real time. However, these schemes diverge from the fundamental Huffman coding approach to a greater degree than the methods discussed in Section 4. Algorithm BSTW is a defined-word scheme which attempts to exploit locality. Lempel-Ziv coding is a free-parse method; that is, the words of the source alphabet are defined dynamically, as the encoding is performed. Lempel-Ziv coding is the basis for the UNIX utility compress. Algorithm BSTW is a variable-variable scheme, while Lempel-Ziv coding is variable-block.

5.1 Lempel-Ziv Codes

Lempel-Ziv coding represents a departure from the classic view of a code as a mapping from a fixed set of source messages (letters, symbols or words) to a fixed set of codewords. We coin the term free-parse to characterize this type of code, in which the set of source messages and the codewords to which they are mapped are defined as the algorithm executes. While all adaptive methods create a set of codewords dynamically, defined-word schemes have a fixed set of source messages, defined by context (eg., in text file processing the source messages might be single letters; in Pascal source file processing the source messages might be tokens). Lempel-Ziv coding defines the set of source messages as it parses the ensemble.

The Lempel-Ziv algorithm consists of a rule for parsing strings of symbols from a finite alphabet into substrings, or words, whose lengths do not exceed a prescribed integer L(1); and a coding scheme which maps these substrings sequentially into uniquely decipherable codewords of fixed length L(2) [Ziv and Lempel 1977]. The strings are selected so that they have very nearly equal probability of occurrence. As a result, frequently-occurring symbols are grouped into longer strings while infrequent symbols appear in short strings. This strategy is effective at exploiting redundancy due to symbol frequency, character repetition, and high-usage patterns. Figure 5.1 shows a small Lempel-Ziv code table. Low-frequency letters such as Z are assigned individually to fixed-length codewords (in this case, 12 bit binary numbers represented in base ten for readability). Frequently-occurring symbols, such as blank (represented by _) and zero, appear in long strings. Effective compression is achieved when a long string is replaced by a single 12-bit code.

Symbol string     Code

     A               1
     T               2
     AN              3
     TH              4
     THE             5
     AND             6
     AD              7
     _               8
     __              9
     ___            10
     0              11
     00             12
     000            13
     0000           14
     Z              15

     ###          4095

Figure 5.1 -- A Lempel-Ziv code table.
The Lempel-Ziv method is an incremental parsing strategy in which the coding process is interlaced with a learning process for varying source characteristics [Ziv and Lempel 1977]. In Figure 5.1, run-length encoding of zeros and blanks is being learned.

The Lempel-Ziv algorithm parses the source ensemble into a collection of segments of gradually increasing length. At each encoding step, the longest prefix of the remaining source ensemble which matches an existing table entry (alpha) is parsed off, along with the character (c) following this prefix in the ensemble. The new source message, alpha c, is added to the code table. The new table entry is coded as (i,c) where i is the codeword for the existing table entry and c is the appended character. For example, the ensemble 010100010 is parsed into { 0, 1, 01, 00, 010 } and is coded as { (0,0), (0,1), (1,1), (1,0), (3,0) }. The table built for the message ensemble EXAMPLE is shown in Figure 5.2. The coded ensemble has the form: { (0,a), (1,space), (0,b), (3,b), (0,space), (0,c), (6,c), (6,space), (0,d), (9,d), (10,space), (0,e), (12,e), (13,e), (5,f), (0,f), (16,f), (17,f), (0,g), (19,g), (20,g), (20) }. The string table is represented in a more efficient manner than in Figure 5.1; the string is represented by its prefix codeword followed by the extension character, so that the table entries have fixed length. The Lempel-Ziv strategy is simple, but greedy. It simply parses off the longest recognized string each time rather than searching for the best way to parse the ensemble.

Figure 5.2 -- Lempel-Ziv table for the message ensemble EXAMPLE
              (code length=173).
The Lempel-Ziv method specifies fixed-length codewords. The size of the table and the maximum source message length are determined by the length of the codewords. It should be clear from the definition of the algorithm that Lempel-Ziv codes tend to be quite inefficient during the initial portion of the message ensemble. For example, even if we assume 3-bit codewords for characters a through g and space and 5-bit codewords for table indices, the Lempel-Ziv algorithm transmits 173 bits for ensemble EXAMPLE. This compares poorly with the other methods discussed in this survey. The ensemble must be sufficiently long for the procedure to build up enough symbol frequency experience to achieve good compression over the full ensemble.

If the codeword length is not sufficiently large, Lempel-Ziv codes may also rise slowly to reasonable efficiency, maintain good performance briefly, and fail to make any gains once the table is full and messages can no longer be added. If the ensemble's characteristics vary over time, the method may be "stuck with" the behavior it has learned and may be unable to continue to adapt.

Lempel-Ziv coding is asymptotically optimal, meaning that the redundancy approaches zero as the length of the source ensemble tends to infinity. However, for particular finite sequences, the compression achieved may be far from optimal [Storer and Szymanski 1982]. When the method begins, each source symbol is coded individually. In the case of 6- or 8-bit source symbols and 12-bit codewords, the method yields as much as 50% expansion during initial encoding. This initial inefficiency can be mitigated somewhat by initializing the string table to contain all of the source characters. Implementation issues are particularly important in Lempel-Ziv methods. A straightforward implementation takes O(n^2) time to process a string of n symbols; for each encoding operation, the existing table must be scanned for the longest message occurring as a prefix of the remaining ensemble. Rodeh et al. address the issue of computational complexity by defining a linear implementation of Lempel-Ziv coding based on suffix trees [Rodeh et al. 1981]. The Rodeh et al. scheme is asymptotically optimal, but an input must be very long in order to allow efficient compression, and the memory requirements of the scheme are large, O(n) where n is the length of the source ensemble. It should also be mentioned that the method of Rodeh et al. constructs a variable-variable code; the pair (i,c) is coded using a representation of the integers, such as the Elias codes, for i and for c (a letter c can always be coded as the kth member of the source alphabet for some k).

The other major implementation consideration involves the way in which the string table is stored and accessed. Welch suggests that the table be indexed by the codewords (integers 1 ... 2^L where L is the maximum codeword length) and that the table entries be fixed-length codeword-extension character pairs [Welch 1984]. Hashing is proposed to assist in encoding. Decoding becomes a recursive operation, in which the codeword yields the final character of the substring and another codeword. The decoder must continue to consult the table until the retrieved codeword is 0. Unfortunately, this strategy peels off extension characters in reverse order and some type of stack operation must be used to reorder the source.

Storer and Szymanski present a general model for data compression which encompasses Lempel-Ziv coding [Storer and Szymanski 1982]. Their broad theoretical work compares classes of macro schemes, where macro schemes include all methods which factor out duplicate occurrences of data and replace them by references either to the source ensemble or to a code table. They also contribute a linear-time Lempel-Ziv-like algorithm with better performance than the standard Lempel-Ziv method.

Rissanen extends the Lempel-Ziv incremental parsing approach [Rissanen 1983]. Abandoning the requirement that the substrings partition the ensemble, the Rissanen method gathers "contexts" in which each symbol of the string occurs. The contexts are substrings of the previously encoded string (as in Lempel-Ziv), have varying size, and are in general overlapping. The Rissanen method hinges upon the identification of a design parameter capturing the concept of "relevant" contexts. The problem of finding the best parameter is undecidable, and Rissanen suggests estimating the parameter experimentally.

As mentioned earlier, Lempel-Ziv coding is the basis for the UNIX utility compress and is one of the methods commonly used in file archival programs. The archival system PKARC uses Welch's implementation, as does compress. The compression provided by compress is generally much better than that achieved by compact (the UNIX utility based on algorithm FGK), and takes less time to compute [UNIX 1984]. Typical compression values attained by compress are in the range of 50-60%.

5.2 Algorithm BSTW

The most recent of the algorithms surveyed here is due to Bentley, Sleator, Tarjan and Wei [Bentley et al. 1986]. This method, algorithm BSTW, possesses the advantage that it requires only one pass over the data to be transmitted yet has performance which compares well to that of the static two-pass method along the dimension of number of bits per word transmitted. This number of bits is never much larger than the number of bits transmitted by static Huffman coding (in fact, is usually quite close), and can be significantly better. Algorithm BSTW incorporates the additional benefit of taking advantage of locality of reference, the tendency for words to occur frequently for short periods of time then fall into long periods of disuse. The algorithm uses a self-organizing list as an auxiliary data structure and employs shorter encodings for words near the front of this list. There are many strategies for maintaining self-organizing lists (see [Hester and Hirschberg 1985]); algorithm BSTW uses move-to-front.

A simple example serves to outline the method of algorithm BSTW. As in other adaptive schemes, sender and receiver maintain identical representations of the code; in this case message lists which are updated at each transmission, using the move-to-front heuristic. These lists are initially empty. When message a(t) is transmitted, if a(t) is on the sender's list, he transmits its current position. He then updates his list by moving a(t) to position 1 and shifting each of the other messages down one position. The receiver similarly alters his word list. If a(t) is being transmitted for the first time, then k+1 is the "position" transmitted, where k is the number of distinct messages transmitted so far. Some representation of the message itself must be transmitted as well, but just this first time. Again, a(t) is moved to position one by both sender and receiver subsequent to its transmission. For the ensemble "abcadeabfd", the transmission would be 1 a 2 b 3 c 3 4 d 5 e 3 5 6 f 5. (for ease of presentation, list positions are represented in base ten).

As the example shows, algorithm BSTW transmits each source message once; the rest of its transmission consists of encodings of list positions. Therefore, an essential feature of algorithm BSTW is a reasonable scheme for representation of the integers. The methods discussed by Bentley et al. are the Elias codes presented in Section 3.3. The simple scheme, code gamma, involves prefixing the binary representation of the integer i with floor[ lg i ] zeros. This yields a prefix code with the length of the codeword for i equal to 2 floor[ lg i ] + 1. Greater compression can be gained through use of the more sophisticated scheme, delta, which encodes an integer i in 1 + floor[ lg i ] + 2 floor[ (lg (1 + floor[ lg i ] ) ] bits.

A message ensemble on which algorithm BSTW is particularly efficient, described by Bentley et al., is formed by repeating each of n messages n times, for example 1^n 2^n 3^n ... n^n. Disregarding overhead, a static Huffman code uses n^2 lg n bits (or lg n bits per message), while algorithm BSTW uses n^2 + 2 SUM{ i=1 to n} floor[ lg i ] (which is less than or equal to n^2 + 2 n lg n, or O(1) bits per message). The overhead for algorithm BSTW consists of just the n lg n bits needed to transmit each source letter once. As discussed in Section 3.2, the overhead for static Huffman coding includes an additional 2n bits. The locality present in ensemble EXAMPLE is similar to that in the above example. The transmission effected by algorithm BSTW is: 1 a 1 2 space 3 b 1 1 2 4 c 1 1 1 2 5 d 1 1 1 1 2 6 e 1 1 1 1 1 2 7 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 g 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. Using 3 bits for each source letter (a through g and space) and the Elias code delta for list positions, the number of bits used is 81, which is a great improvement over all of the other methods discussed (only 69% of the length used by static Huffman coding). This could be improved further by the use of Fibonacci codes for list positions.

In [Bentley et al. 1986] a proof is given that with the simple scheme for encoding integers, the performance of algorithm BSTW is bounded above by 2 S + 1, where S is the cost of the static Huffman coding scheme. Using the more sophisticated integer encoding scheme, the bound is 1 + S + 2 lg(1 + S). A key idea in the proofs given by Bentley et al. is the fact that, using the move-to-front heuristic, the integer transmitted for a message a(t) will be one more than the number of different words transmitted since the last occurrence of a(t). Bentley et al. also prove that algorithm BSTW is asymptotically optimal.

An implementation of algorithm BSTW is described in great detail in [Bentley et al. 1986]. In this implementation, encoding an integer consists of a table lookup; the codewords for the integers from 1 to n+1 are stored in an array indexed from 1 to n+1. A binary trie is used to store the inverse mapping, from codewords to integers. Decoding an Elias codeword to find the corresponding integer involves following a path in the trie. Two interlinked data structures, a binary trie and a binary tree, are used to maintain the word list. The trie is based on the binary encodings of the source words. Mapping a source message a(i) to its list position p involves following a path in the trie, following a link to the tree, and then computing the symmetric order position of the tree node. Finding the source message a(i) in position p is accomplished by finding the symmetric order position p in the tree and returning the word stored there. Using this implementation, the work done by sender and receiver is O(length(a(i)) + length(w)) where a(i) is the message being transmitted and w the codeword representing a(i)'s position in the list. If the source alphabet consists of single characters, then the complexity of algorithm BSTW is just O(length(w)).

The move-to-front scheme of Bentley et al. was independently developed by Elias in his paper on interval encoding and recency rank encoding [Elias 1987]. Recency rank encoding is equivalent to algorithm BSTW. The name emphasizes the fact, mentioned above, that the codeword for a source message represents the number of distinct messages which have occurred since its most recent occurrence. Interval encoding represents a source message by the total number of messages which have occurred since its last occurrence (equivalently, the length of the interval since the last previous occurrence of the current message). It is obvious that the length of the interval since the last occurrence of a message a(t) is at least as great as its recency rank, so that recency rank encoding never uses more, and generally uses fewer, symbols per message than interval encoding. The advantage to interval encoding is that it has a very simple implementation and can encode and decode selections from a very large alphabet (a million letters, for example) at a microsecond rate [Elias 1987]. The use of interval encoding might be justified in a data transmission setting, where speed is the essential factor.

Ryabko also comments that the work of Bentley et al. coincides with many of the results in a paper in which he considers data compression by means of a "book stack" (the books represent the source messages and as a "book" occurs it is taken from the stack and placed on top) [Ryabko 1987]. Horspool and Cormack have considered move-to-front, as well as several other list organization heuristics, in connection with data compression [Horspool and Cormack 1987].

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