Arcadia Papers: ABSTRACT
"Software Visualization and Yosemite National Park",
by Dani Steinberg and Hadar Ziv in
Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Annual Hawaii International Conference
on System Sciences, January 1992.
As software systems grow in size and complexity, so does the difficulty
of understanding and maintaining them. Research in software understanding
attempts to mitigate this problem by making various aspects of software
development more visible, accessible, and comprehensible. In this paper
we propose a hypertext-based approach to software visualization in which
navigation in software-space is modeled after physical navigation in
Yosemite National Park. Physical navigation capabilities are mapped into
the domain of software development, where a user of a software-project
visualization system navigates among interrelated units of information.
We use the metaphor to define a set of requirements
for the visualization system. We define linguistic constructs for a
navigation language to be used in software-world. We discuss practical
implications of implementing the visualization system.
The Arcadia Project
Last modified: Thu Jan 19 18:08:11 1995