Test Your Knowledge of Goat Anatomy
Can you identify all parts of the goat?
To answer a question, just click on the black dot closest
to the named part of the goat. If you get the right answer,
it will display the name in red, and you'll hear a goat bleat.
If you get the wrong answer (or if you aren't close to
a black dot), you'll hear a goose honk.
- To move on to the next problem, click on "Next Problem" or type "n".
- To the show the answer to a particular question, click on "Show Answer"
or type "s".
- To show all the labels, click on "Display Labels" or type "d".
- Note: On some browsers, parts of the display disappear (e.g., the
Buttons). I've only observed this on Mac implementations of Netscape.
If this occurs, you may type "r" to refesh the display. Scrolling the
window also causes it to refresh. If all else fails and the buttons
disappear, you can still use the "n" key to move on to the next
The graphics may flicker until they have finished loading. Be patient, once
it is loaded, it does work without flickering.
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The Information Dirt Road home page
These pages were designed by the Computer Science project
of the Irvine Mesa Charros 4-H Club.
Project Leader: Michael
Department of Information and Computer
University of California, Irvine
Irvine, CA 92717-3425