CompOSE|Q is a customizable and
safe distributed systems middleware infrastructure, built to provide cost
effective QoS-based distributed resource management. It allows concurrent
execution of multiple resource management policies in a distributed system
in a safe and correct manner.
This allows safe integration of
resource management mechanisms for services such mobility, load balancing,
fault tolerance and end-to-end QoS management. It is based on a two level
meta-architectural model that facilitates specifying and reasoning about the
composability of multiple resource management services in Open distributed
systems. The CompOSE|Q reflective framework uses Actors, a distributed
computing paradigm that uses a model of concurrent active objects
and has a built-in notion of encapsulation and
interaction among the concurrent components of an Open Distributed System.
In the actor paradigm, the universe
contains computational agents called actors, distributed over a
network. Traditional passive objects encapsulate state and a set of
procedures that manipulate the state; actors extend this by encapsulating a
thread of control as well. Each actor potentially executes in parallel with
other actors and may communicate with other actors via asynchronous message
passing. Using Actors, we define a meta-architecture framework that permits
customization of resource management mechanisms such as placement,
scheduling and synchronization.
The CompOSE|Q architecture
- The basic composable core
services - Remote Creation, Distributed Snapshot and Directory Services
with interaction constraints that ensure their concurrent execution with
each other and other meta level services.
- Services built using core
services - Actor migration, replication of services and data, actor
scheduling, distributed garbage collection, name services etc. Each of
these services has its own interface definitions and interaction
- QoS enforcement mechanisms.
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correctness in a purely reflective model involves reasoning about system
level interactions by characterizing the semantics of shared distributed
resources and understanding what correctness of the overall system means.
The TLAM (Two Level Actor Machine) model was presented as a first
step towards providing a formal semantics for specifying and reasoning about
properties of and interactions between components of ODSs. In the TLAM,
a system is composed of two kinds of actors, base actors and
meta actors, distributed over a network of processing nodes.
Base level actors carry out application level computation, while meta-actors
are part of the runtime system, which manages system resources and controls
the runtime behavior of the base level. Meta-actors communicate with each
other via message passing as do base level actors, but they may also examine
and modify the state of the base actors located on the same node.
uses reification (base object state as data at the meta object level) and
reflection (modification of base object state by meta objects) with support
for implicit invocation of meta objects in response to changes of base level
state. It provides for full actor-style interaction of meta level objects.
In the TLAM model, meta-level
controllers define protocols and mechanisms that customize various aspects
of distributed systems management. In practice, multiple system and
application activities occur concurrently in a distributed system, e.g.
scheduling, protocol processing, stream synchronization etc., and can
therefore interfere with each other.
To ensure non-interference and manage the
complexity of reasoning about components of ODSs in general, our
strategy is to identify key system services where non-trivial
interactions between the application and system occur, i.e. base-meta
interactions. We refer to these key services as core services.
Core services are used in specifying and implementing more complex
activities within the framework as purely meta-level interactions.
The development of suitable non-interference requirements allows us to
reason about the composition of multiple system services; these services
have constraints that must be obeyed to maintain composability (i.e.
safe concurrent execution). We use commonly observed patterns in
distributed systems to identify three meta level core activities (See
Figure): Remote Creation (for migration, replication & load balancing),
Distributed Snapshot (for check-pointing, distributed garbage
collection, etc.) and Directory Services ( for access control, resource
discovery and group communication). |
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Implementation of
sophisticated policies and mechanisms for QoS management is made possible by
providing support for common services in CompOSE|Q. For instance, object
scheduling mechanisms use the basic remote creation core service to assign
newly created objects/actors on nodes with adequate resources. Using
generalized state capture facilities, we are developing a checkpointing
service for capturing causal orders of executions in the system that can be
used for monitoring and debugging distributed computations.
A state broadcast mechanism is used to implement a
clock synchronization service, which informs nodes about a global time value
that can be used for time related services.
Remote creation : Remote creation is the process
by which actor creation occurs on a specified node other than the node
from which creation is being initiated. Remote creation is a basic
facility that can be used in other resource management activities like
load-balancing, replication and migration. By encapsulating the
interactions between the application and system level actors within the
remote creation service, we can state requirements that ensure safe and
correct composition of other resource management activities with remote
creation. In a real TLAM based implementation, the control activities of
remote creation are managed by remote creation meta-actors (RCM) residing
on every node in the system. A remote creation request has four parameters
- a description of the fragment desc to be migrated, the remote
node (N), any initial state the desc has to be set to and
the initiating-actor 'b'.
The initiator actor 'b'
is maintained by the RCM to ensure composability with other meta-level
services[V98]. If the requester needs to know that the request has been
completed, or the names of some of the newly created actors, then this can
be achieved by specifying appropriate messages as part of the requested
fragment, and observing their delivery.
Distributed Snapshot Services:
Global properties like the number of application-actors, the current
reachability graph of distributed actors, number of messages being
processed and task queue sizes help in making runtime decisions like load
balancing, migration and garbage collection, leading to efficient runtime
management of a distributed system. To fully represent the global state
of the distributed system, we need a mechanism for recording the state of
all nodes including the portion of node state being communicated in the
network channels. As state information is accessible explicitly only in
nodes, a snapshot mechanism must ensure that node state information in
channels are
recorded at some node in the system
(possibly the target node itself). The snapshot mechanisms we have devised
are such that application-level computation and system level services
proceed concurrently with the snapshot, thereby preserving application and
service semantics. In order to initiate snapshot recording on every node
and force messages in channels to reach a node, we have defined two wave
protocols for message propagation that (a) visit all nodes exactly once,
capturing node-resident information and (b) traverse all links in the
system exactly once forcing messages on channels to reach nodes (where
their state can be recorded).
By using remote creation as the
basis for migration, we have ensured composability of migration with other
meta-level services such as reachability snapshots and distributed
check-pointing. Migration is the process by which actors move from one
node to another. The migration service allows for relocation of actors
for easier access, availability and load balancing. A migration request
is given by a pair (α,n),
where α is the actor to be migrated, and n is the destination node. This
is interpreted as a request to move the computation carried out by α to
the node n. In order to state explicitly invariants maintained by the
system during the migration process, we classify the migration process
into 3 phases with respect to the actor being migrated and the node to
which it is being migrated. The first phase is the initiation phase and
specifies the state of the system when the migration request received can
be processed. It determines the computation to be migrated by suspending
the computation of the actor and noting its current description. In the
second configuration the actual actor migration is performed using the RC
service. The last configuration finalizes the migration process and
establishes transparent access to the migrated actor.
Brokerage Service:
This work illustrates the use of TLAM services in the design of mechanisms
and policies needed to enforce QoS constraints in the actor-based runtime
environment. We extend the basic meta-architectural framework to provide
QoS based services to applications. The base level component of the meta
architecture implements the functionality of the distributed session and
deals with (a) data, which includes objects of varying media, types, e.g.,
video and audio files and (b) requests to access this data via sessions.
The meta-level component deals with the coordination of multiple requests
and sharing of existing resources among multiple requests. To provide
coordination at the highest level and perform admission control for new
incoming sessions, a meta-level entity called the QoS broker is
being developed. The organization of the meta-level services in CompOSE|Q
is illustrated in the Figure.
The two main functions of
the QoS broker are (a) data management and (b) request management. The
data management component decides the placement of data in the
distributed system, i.e. it decides when and where to create additional
replicas of data. It also determines when additional replicas of data actors
are no longer needed and can be garbage collected/dereplicated. We
implement adaptive admission control mechanisms in the
request-scheduling module that assigns requests to servers and ensures
cost-effective utilization of resources. The message-scheduling
module ensures QoS constraint satisfaction of requests that have already
been initiated. The data and request management functions in turn require
auxiliary services such as clock synchronization, replication, dereplication
and migration. So far, we have focused on the following services:
Replication: to
replicate data and request actors using adaptive and predictive techniques
for selecting where, when and how fast replication should proceed.
Dereplication: to dereplicate/garbage-collect
data or request actors and optimize utilization of distributed storage based
on current system load and expected future demands for the object.
to migrate data or requests for load balancing, availability and locality.
The interaction of migration with timing based QoS constraints is an
interesting issue since it can introduce playback jitter in MM applications
caused by explicit teardown and re-establishment of network connections.
The auxiliary services described above are
developed using one or more of the core services - remote creation,
distributed snapshot and the directory service.
In order to ensure non-interference
among the auxiliary services that are used to provide QoS, the specific
mechanisms implemented for placement and scheduling must be designed not to
conflict with each other. Currently, placement and dereplication operate on
the basis of a (conservative) snapshot of the current resource allocation
and use. The placement and dereplication services do not consider the exact
times at which requests arrive; in contrast, an adaptive request scheduling
process makes decisions based on the exact arrival times of requests.
However, without appropriate constraints on the usage of these services,
inconsistencies can arise due to their interaction. The broker coordinates
the service interaction by constraining the behavior of the auxiliary
placement and scheduling services. For instance, the dereplication service
does not dereplicate a replica that the request scheduling process is making
an assignment to. Furthermore a replica assigned to an active request should
not be physically dereplicated. The broker also ensures that the
dereplication and placement metalevel services do not cancel one another
out. While the interaction between dereplication and placement is not a
functional correctness issue, it has to do with cost-effective performance
of the overall system. |
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In order
to provide correct composition of communication services to QoS-based
applications in a transparent and scalable fashion, while ensuring
correctness of basic middleware services in a meta level architecture for
distributed resource management (e.g. garbage collection, remote
creation), the TLAM model is extended with a composable reflective
communication framework (CRCF), which customizes the base level
communication services among a group of objects as follows . Each base level
actor has a meta level actor, called messenger, which serves as the
customized and transparent mail queue for that base level actor. There is
one communication manager in every node of the distributed system,
which implements and controls the correct composition of communication
services specified by the messenger. The messenger has four message queues:
the up and down queues are used to communicate with its base level actor,
serving as the actor’s send buffer and customized mail queue respectively,
while the in and out queues are used for interaction with the communication
manager, requesting communication services that satisfy QoS constraints. The
up and down queues hold raw messages from and to base level actors, while
the out and in queues hold processed messages, which are messages with the
required protocols enforced. Furthermore, the communication manager has a
set of communication protocol actors, each of them implementing a particular
communication service provided by the framework (e.g. reliable
protocol, in-order protocol).
Communication services can be added
(plugged in) or removed (plugged out) dynamically without side
effects. The above scheme allows us to abstract a core set of communication
services and share it between the different messengers on a node,
simplifying the synchronization and composition process, while encouraging
separation of concerns in the process of message transmission and reception.
In order to maintain accurate semantics and provide an efficient
implementation of the architecture, the communication manager implements a
set of meta level representatives, called pool-actors. At any
instance, the pool-actor handles the communication services requested by a
messenger for an individual message. In other words, every message
requiring communication services is assigned a pool actor. The pool actor
assures the correct order of composition of required services and provides a
coordination mechanism between the messenger that requires the services and
the protocols that provide it. This concept of reusable pool-actors is an
efficient way to handle the service request of each messenger without having
to pay the bottleneck associated with the centralization of the services in
the node communication manager. In summary, the notion of pool actors
provides separation of concerns and manageable concurrency in the
communication process.
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The current middleware environment
has been implemented using Java, due to its many favorable features such as
its portability across a wide variety of platforms, wide user base and
support for flexibility through introspection. In our approach, we suitably
'constrain' the Java programming language to achieve Actor semantics. In
order to assist the three core services in achieving their task easily and
efficiently, the run-time system consists of:
NodeManager that manages and coordinates various components on a node.
NodeInfoManager that manages information needed by the local actors and
interfaces with the directory service.
communication sub-system that handles messaging between actors.
The NodeManager:
Each node running CompOSE|Q has one NodeManager to manage actors on that
node, as well as to start-up and shutdown various other modules of the
run-time system. When a new actor is created it registers itself with the NodeManager and is identified by an Actor ID (aid). The NodeManager
enters the new actor into a local-table which helps keep track of the
actor for activities such as node checkpointing and node shutdown and
notifies the MessageQmanager entity, which allocates a message queue that
serves as the “in” Queue for the actor. The MessageQManager is responsible
for managing mail queues for all actors on a node. To start CompOSE|Q on a
node, the NodeManager has to be started first. It in turn, initiates the
various other modules and communication components.
The NodeInfoManager:
The NodeInfoManager is
a repository of information as well as an interface to the main directory
service in the distributed architecture. Currently, the NodeInfoManager
implements basic functionality to: 1) Register an actor with the directory
service so that it is accessible to all other nodes 2) Search for a
particular actor to find out which node that actor is currently on and 3)
Search for an actor object given the class name (a rudimentary naming
service). The NodeInfoManager has a
local-table, which contains references to all local actors (updated and
maintained by the NodeManager) and a remote-actor cache that contains
information about recently accessed remote actors.
Communication Subsystem:
The communication transport layer
and the CRCF module(above the transport layer), together compose the node
communication subsystem. The message transport layer provides a framework
for sending the outgoing messages to the appropriate node (routing) and
resolving incoming messages to their appropriate actor queues
(message-resolution). The CRCF module is responsible for the
implementation of communication services (and their composition).
Separation of these layers allows for independent customization of
protocol implementations and the messaging runtime. This facilitates
correct composition of protocols without interfering with the runtime
communication semantics. The
communication transport layer consists of the following components: a
Router, a Postman and a RemoteMessageReceiver. The
transport layer maintains two message queues on a node for incoming and
outgoing messages (on that node) called SendPot and ReceivePot
respectively. The Router consults the NodeInfoManager to
obtain the current location (node) of the target actor. If the location of
the target actor is local (i.e. on the same node), the Router puts
the message directly into the node's ReceivePot. Otherwise, it
sends the message to the remote node. The RemoteMessageReceiver (RMR)
on the target node extracts the incoming message and puts it into the
node's ReceivePot. The Postman then picks up the message and adds
it to the target actor's “in” Queue.
The communication manager is
instantiated in each node during system startup.
When an actor is created and protocol composition services are not desired
or required
ts messenger is not created and
the actor sends and receives raw messages using the transport layer.
When flexible communication is required or desired, an independent
messenger is created for every base level actor and the entire CRCF
functionality is invoked. The overhead of the CRCF module is minimized in
case of communications with no protocols attached. In this scenario, we
tunnel raw messages through the actor's messenger directly to the
transport layer.
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